Friday, August 01, 2003


The other day I was talking about Inspiration and now it's Frustration....quite a gamut of feelings for a couple of posts.....neway..I am irritated as hell...didn't feel like blogging too(that doesn't happen often)...but neway if something as bad as it is rite ought to be blogged....i had put myself in such a spot of financial bother one else to blame except for a very lazy clerk/manager/keeper of accts... had failed to do some paperwork that must have relieved my current strain..instead she opted for a vacation and here I am stretching my limits on CC's.......the couple of days have been quite blank.......all I fear that I might lose my temper at some1 and make things worse....wish that doesn't prof's on a vacation not much to do (as if I had been doing stuff earlier but still) it's extra long morning sleeps and late night movies again...wonder what I'll do when I run outta movies to watch.....