Wednesday, July 23, 2003


Well, this has been the summary of my day so far.....I had endlessly put off things....doing things way ahead of time is quite an alien concept to me.....scraping past deadlines has been the's not the first time it's biting me....but still I never get the message across......I had bought a planner just to serve this cause last time around....any difference.... Zilch...guess it takes a lil bit less of a planner and a lil bit more of a steely resolve to get back on track....the case today was some undone paperwork....which eventually had me running places....well I had done some things strange today too....found the not so familiar gym room of my apartment....but had to be dragged by a friend of mine at 7:00 ( he got his fair share of cursings)...nice to get on the cool early breeze...a refreshing change from the belting heat(over 105 deg) we have receiving the past couple of days ( ask my friend who had walked all thru with me yesterday...and planning on revenge)....oh how sorely i miss the snow clad mountains of santa fe from last december.....since there's still some left of today...thinking of some Tennis and Cooking....yeah...there's this thing which put a smile back to my face today.....simply put....and makes sense.....found it in a fellow blogger (Ritzy)I'm not much of a Statistics person....but this bell curve is for real....

At 5 Success is .......not peeing in ur pants
At 10 Success is......making ur meals
At 15 success is......getting ur driver's license
At 20 Success is......having sex
At 30 success is......making money
At 40 Success is......making money
At 55 Success is......having sex
At 65 Success is......getting ur driver's license
At 75 Success is......making ur meals
At 85 Success is......not peeing in ur pants...